1st Vice-President Responsibilities

Duties, as stated in the bylaws:

Article IX, duties of officers

Section 2. The first vice-president shall:

  • Act as aide to the president;
  • Shall serve as chair of fundraising activities and PTA events to ensure that the goals set by the Executive Committee are being met;
  • In their designated order, perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of the officer to act or for the purpose of developing the officer for a possible future role as president;
  • Perform other delegated duties as assigned.

Beginning of year:
  • organize calendar and add dates as they become available
  • board/committee chairperson list and contact information
  • create meeting slide show template
  • web updates and plan for updating web and facebook page
  • contact all fundraising chairpersons and support where needed (Book Fair, Box Tops, Grocery Loyalty, School Spirit, Dining Days). 6th Grade Basketball and Hallowingo are considered “events” so technically, the board contact is the 2nd VP, but these are also fundraising events.
  • attend August board meeting and plan for year
  • prepare slide show for meetings
  • bring tripod and phone to broadcast meeting on Facebook live.
  • update web site with minutes, announcements, special education newsletter
  • preside over meetings if President is not available.
  • Chair the technology/website committee. There is usually a volunteer who will help with the website updates. Ensure the domain name and web hosting remain up to date.

Helpful links: