Parent Education and Support Groups, Upcoming Events – January 2018 Edition

Is Your Child a Target of Bullying?
Wed. Jan. 17, 11:30 am – 1 pm, Pentagon Library & Conf. Ctr. Rm. B3, Arlington
Learn how to develop strategies to prevent bullying, talk to you child about bullying, obtain help from professionals, and find out about disability harassment laws.
Homework Police: How to Stop Nagging — Webinar
Wed. Jan. 17, 12:15 – 1:00 pm
Learn how to change the conversation and better communicate with your child.
IEP’s [are] the Whole Enchilada — Webinar Series
Wed. Jan. 17, 7:15 pm
This is the first of several webinars on special education advocacy for parents to learn more about IEP evaluations, assessments, eligibility, transition, ESY, and discipline.
Register:  for meeting number 620 495 726
How to Help Children Build Self-Esteem (Even in a High-Pressure Culture)
Thu, Jan. 18, 11:45 am-1:15 pm StudyPro 6849 Old Dominion Drive #200  McLean
Learn how act with and to talk to your children in a way that helps them feel “heard,” emotionally supported, and worthy — all keys to healthy self-esteem.
Starting a Peer Buddy Program at Your School
Thu. Jan. 18, 7 pm  Laurel Ridge ES  10110 Commonwealth Blvd. Fairfax
Learn how to start a peer Buddy program at your school that helps students with disabilities interact on a regular basis with non-disabled peers from separate classes.
Tax Tips for Parents of a Child with Special Needs — New Date
Thu. Jan. 18, 7:30 – 9 pm, McLean Bible Church,  Rm. B, 8925 Leesburg Pk, Vienna
Find out about income tax deductions, exemptions, and credits available to families of children with special needs, as well asthe tax benefits of newly available ABLE accounts.
RSVP (not required): [email protected]  or  703-770-2980
Identifying and Treating Anxiety in Children and Teens
Fri. Jan. 19, 10 am-noon, Dunn Loring Ctr. 2334 Gallows Rd. Door 1, Dunn Loring
Learn about the biological roots of anxiety in children and teens, and strategies for treating specific anxiety disorders.
Parents of Autistic Children, POAC-NoVA Annual Parent-to-Parent Meeting
Sat. Jan. 20, 2018 1–4 pm  Abiding Presence Church 6304 Lee Chapel Road, Burke
Families will provide advice on sibling issues, IEPs, and laws affecting families with autism.
Childcare available:  RSVP to [email protected] by Thursday, January 18.
Mindfully Managing Caregiver Stress
Mon. Jan. 22, 6:30-8:00 pm4031 University Dr. Suite 100, Fairfax  (Enter on South St.)
This workshop will give you proven tools for reducing stress and taking care of yourself while caring for your family.  The presenter also raised a special needs child.
You’re Not the Boss of Me! 10 Secrets to Motivate Strong-Willed Toddlers, Tweens and Teens
Wed. Jan. 24, 7:00-8:30 pm, Dunn Loring Ctr.  2334 Gallows Rd. Door 1, Dunn Loring
Restore calm in your life and your home when you implement the concrete strategies presented at this workshop by Celebrate Calm Founder Kirk Martin and his son.
I Have Needs Too! Supporting the Siblings of Children with Special Needs
Wed. Jan, 24, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, Chantilly HS  4201 Stringfellow Rd. Chantilly
Learn about strategies for managing the mixed emotions and increased responsibilities of siblings of children with special needs.
Inclusive Movie Night — Presumed Competency:  Journey of Deej
Sat. Jan. 27, 4:00 – 7:00 pm, Christ Church  7600 Ox Rd. Fairfax Station
This will be a free screening with a follow up discussion of Deej, a documentary on six years in the high school and college life of a young nonspeaking man with autism.
Free if you bring one non-perishable food to donate to Food for Others;  Register:
Elementary School Dyslexia Meet-Up
Wed. Jan. 31, 6:30-7:30 pm (snow – Feb. 7) Bonnie Brae ES 5420 Sideburn Rd. Fairfax
This gathering of students, teachers, families, and dyslexia community members is to increase awareness of dyslexia and the resources available to teachers and families.
Los ABCs para padres — 8 Week Class in Spanish
Thursdays, Feb. 1 – Mar. 22, 6:00 – 8:30 pm   in City of Alexandria
Topics include child development, family rules, discipline, and stress management.  Family meals, childcare for ages 0 to 4, a children’s program and raffles are included.
Information and Registration:  call Alice Clark  703-820-9001 ext. 105
Dads’ Parenting Group – 12 session course
Tue. Feb. 6 – May 1, 6:30-9:00 pm Gum Springs Ctr. 8100 Fordson Rd. Alexandria
Focuses on five characteristics all fathers need to be effective dads: self-awareness; self-care; fathering, parenting, and relationship skills.  Includes meals & activities.
Information:  Bennie Herron 703 324-7308  or  Kimberly Torres  703 324-3064
Plan Ahead  2018 Cecily’s Advocacy Workshop
Unlocking Potential: Strategies for Success 
Sat. Mar. 3, 8:00 am – 2:30 pm, McLean Sch. 8224 Lochinver Ln. Potomac, MD 
Early registration:  before Feb 9 — $50  includes breakfast & lunch